Pixel 5a

Pixel 5a Google Fi sighting confirms name and price

Pixel 5a Google Fi sighting confirms name and price

While many look at the pixel 6 and pixel 6 Pro, more premium, Google will get its mid-range distribution first. However, considering how much could be in common with the pixel 5, however, it may not even be necessary to label the pixel 5A as a medium-level phone. Regardless of the specifications, however, it will […]

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Pixel 5a announcement might finally happen next week

Pixel 5a announcement might finally happen next week

The pixel 6 could be the most exciting Google phone from the original pixel in 2016. Before that, the pixel 5a will first go to the market. There was a debate on when it happens exactly, but it seems that the date is just around the corner. In addition to this probable date, sources also […]

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